Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Vampire Diaries 3x01 Review *Contains spoilers and my point of view*

After my mom got me to watch TVD, I watched the entire first two seasons on Netflix in a matter of two weeks, I was so hooked! I haven't been so hooked on a show like this in awhile! So now that I'm all caught up with season three, the show is taking a break and coming back on in January. So I'm filling this void with my views on each episode so far, and going to be posting my views on each character soon, so stay tuned for that.

Season 2 ended with Stephan trying to find a cure to save Damon after he was bit by Tyler Lockwood. Damon goes out to find Elena, where the show begins to close with her staying by his side the whole time. In the meantime, Bonnie finds out the witches are not going to help her anymore, and hears one name, Klaus. Stephan finds out Klaus' blood is the cure, but he has to trade himself to Klaus for a whole decade!! WTHECK?? He must really love his brother...and Klaus begins turning Stephan back into "The Ripper" and finally lets Katherine go, bringing Klaus' blood to Damon, curing him of the bit and saving him, but not before we get to see Elena and Damon poring their hearts out, and finally get to see Elena kiss Damon.

Each review starts off with a play by play/ rundown of the show, my opinions on the characters and events, and finally the questions the episode leaves us asking afterwards.

So on to The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 1

The Show:

3x01 Starts of with Stephan and Klaus searching for a werewolf. We get to see Klaus and his whole manipulative self, while he lets Stephen do the dirty work, leaving bodies everywhere they go. I love Klaus and everything he has been bringing to the show, hes the type of Character that you love to hate, and admit it Damon fans, you love seeing Stephan way, giving Damon and Elena tons of scenes together this season.

We begin to see how all the characters are coping since Jenna died and Stephan is gone. Elena doesn't really want to get out of bed, Jeremy has a job at the grill, Alaric has been sleeping on the couch all summer, and Caroline is her chirpy self trying to spread some cheer by throwing Elena a birthday party. Bonnie is pretty much out of this whole episode (major bummer!!!) except for a little phone call with Jeremy that is short lived when we get to see Jeremy seeing Vickie and Anna's ghosts since being revived from the dead by Bonnie. Matt is avoiding Caroline and Tyler, not wanting to see them together, and Caroline and Tyler seem to still be in the friends zone.

Stephan and Klaus find their werewolf and torture him, in a bar full of people, into telling them where more werewolves are, Alaric and Damon find out the lead Elena had given was a good one. We find the mess Stephan has left as his evil 'Ripper' side shows as Demon confirms to Alaric that its Stephan. Sexual tensions between Tyler and Caroline even more when Caroline gets jealous over who he's bringing to the party, and we finally get a tender moment between Damon and Elena when he gets close to Elena to put on her necklace that Stephan had given to her in season one.

We see the 'small' amount of guests Caroline has invited to the party, and Jeremy and Matt bond, going back to their old ways, trying to mellow out from all the stress. Alaric starts to doubt himself as a chaperone and Damon starts to wonder where Andie is. Caroline and Elena have a little moment, where Elena refuses to 'go on with her life', refusing to let go of Stephan, finding out that Damon has been hidding that he's been tracking Klaus without Elena. Damon finds Andie still at the station, where Stephan very out of character and very in Ripper mode, Compels Andie, making her walk of a high ledge, and holding Damon back from saving her. (OMGOSH)

Caroline and Tyler have a very steamy moment, finally breaking the tension and finally starting a relationship. (yes!) Elena and Damon have a heated discussion where Elena finds out all the victims being left are Stephan's and not Klaus. Jeremy finally tells Matt whats going on with him after Matt hears Jeremy saying Vickie's name out in the truck. Ray, the werewolf back at the bar, is still being tortured at the bar where Klaus is surprised Stephan has come back. Alaric leaves the Gilbert house were he lets his insecurities get the best of him. He doesn't think he is a good role model and tells Elena she is old enough to take care of herself. Finally arriving at the end Stelena fans see a tiny glimpse that Stephan is still holding on to his humanity, calling Elena with the saddest puppy dog face he can muster. Talk about a gut wrenching moment! We also find out Mrs Lockwood knows about Caroline.

My opinions:

I started out as a Stelena fan, but I am loving all the Delena time! I have always thought they made a cute couple, I mean just the way Damon looks at Elena and has gone through greater lengths at saving her, even if it meant her hating him. I'm so glad that Caroline and Tyler are finally together, and him being a werewolf, a supposed enemy to vampires, it makes the relationship that much more sexy! I wish Jeremy would man up and tell Bonnie what is going on, and I am so blah that she was not in this episode at all!

Alaric was a bummer and down, but he has a reason to. I just hope Alaric gets back to his vampire kicking bad ass days soon. I just love him and Damon working together, I am def loving the bromance going on between them. I hate seeing Alaric this way, please writers, give him purpose again! I feel for him tho, I am still feeling pretty betrayed myself that Jenna was killed off the show!!! Majorly pissed off at that move, but it made for a great show, I cried my eyes out that episode!

I am so sad that Stephan is back to his ripper days after all his hard work at his 'animal' diet and finally finding love in Elena, he gave it all up to save Damon. Very heroic, but deep down I think he knows he might loose Elena. How can he be away for a decade and not expect Damon and Elena to get close? He already knows Damon loves her and they are great friends and have gotten so close. I was so heartbroken watching him crumble at the end, showing he is still very much in love with Elena and misses her more than he can bear.

Questions left that need answers:

Will Stephan ever come back? Will Alaric be sad for long? What will Happen to Jeremy and Bonnie with all the new secrets going on. What will happen to Caroline? And the big question..Will Delena finally get together???

Best Episode song: Martin Solveig & Dragonette - Hello (Out Now)

Damon Quotes: "It's your party, you can cry if you want to"
"OOOH, Gotta go gotta go,breakup, beer pong!!"

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